Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Last Day in Connecticut

It's the last day. The realtor, who is an idiot, called to schedule the walk through for the buyers. Okay great. It's happening after I move. She asked me to lock my door and they'd get in through the lock box. The door doesn't lock by the handle. The only way to do what she asked was to leave with the key. I said yes. She'll find it unlocked. My guess is that it will all work out. 

Meanwhile, I got a loose tooth in March and needed a bridge. We photo finished it. It came in today and my pearly whites are looking good. I got my prescriptions filled today and the movers, scheduled at 9 aren't coming till 10:30 or 11. 

No more contact with my stalker. That's a relief.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Monday, Monday

It's Monday morning. Wednesday morning at 9 AM when the day begins, the movers will be here. I am about as ready as I can get. I ordered some scripts I need. I got my hair cut Friday. My hairdresser asked if I had found a hairdresser yet. I replied that I thought I'd find a doctor first. She has no idea how long I can let my hair grow before it bothers me. I did my wash here yesterday. Now my life is full of "last times".

Soon I'll talk of firsts. My son ask me if I thought about what clothes that I'm bringing. I said, "My suitcase was packed yesterday." I did get good news today. I should have my stuff in Phoenix by June 8th. My car could be sooner. I'll be on an air mattress till then. But I'll be with my son. We always have a good time.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

My Bro & My Sis: The Aftermath & Mo "No Pressure"

On one level, we had a great time. We drank heavy (in terms of order not volume) Mark his bone dry Kettle, my little sis kettle & soda and I had a Ketel Rocks & later a coffee drink with both Baileys & Grand Marnier, two brands I was proud to sell. But I did love my brands including all the aforementioned, my scotch was Johnnie Walker (all flavors) my Canadian was both Crown Royale & Seagram's V.O. My bourbon was Bulleit. I just tossed a signed bottle. Not that it was worth anything - he signed (Tom Bulleit - founder) a million of them. My wife at the time was a bourbon drinker, so I let her drink it, I replaced it with Pepsi. Besides Ketel, I did sell Smirnoff (bestseller on the planet and the US.) We also had Ciroc, Belvedere and Chopin. My gin was Tangueray. A had a zillion single malts but of all whiskey? Johnnie Walker Blue sales thrilled me. Bernard Arnault owns the 2/3 of Moet Hennessy that Diego does not. Selling expensive Hennessy was special, too.

Back to our night: Mark decided now eight years past my dad's death to criticize both my sister's and my reaction to the call that my father would be dead within the hour. Mark thought he should be there and apparently thought my sis & I should have too. My sister abba dabba'd so I defended her. Then myself. I said, you wanted to be there. I had seen him Friday. He let me know it was goodbye. I drove his bestie from high school, college and his business partner forty or fifty years. This call was on (the next day) Saturday. I was two hours away. I knew he could not talk and was in pain and would be out of it. But Mark signed on when he moved him from Enfield where I owned a home, at the time, and was within 45 minutes or so to my sister. So he was with my dad because he wanted to be.

When Mark had tried to dictate our visits and said he'd take him and either he or his wife would be with him every day. I couldn't do that to either Kathy or what I thought was my marriage at the time. (I should never have been with her, let alone married) So off to Boston my Dad went. He was there eight moths, I'd say. Either Mark, but more often his wife, was there every day. I had said my goodbyes, and my dad suffered fairly weird dementia. 

Fortunately, Mark saw the error of his ways and issued a long text on how much he loves us, and he was so wrong to project his wishes on anybody else. And all these years later. But he ended by saying we'd do it next year in Phoenix. All in all, very enlightened for him. So unlike before the text besides hungover, I was pissed. But his text made it all go away, and I'm left positive that my brother and sister took the time and expense to treat me to Fillet Mignon with lobster tails.

All in all, I'm very lucky. We'll see who stays in touch. But I communicate at least weekly, one way or the other with each of them separately. I found out last night that they seldom spoke. But they vowed to improve it. So the ups were pretty high. Except for that woman who now says "I HAVE A GIFT"...

I said, "You shouldn't have", and I meant it. She still has zero grasp of pressure. I think by any rational person measurement it's pressure. She does everything but call. Oops. Swear to god my cell is ringing. It is her. Her last ext to me, that went unanswered (now keep in mind I have already told her that I was not feeling well enough for a gift or a visit or whatever.) She had already texted me to call if I felt like talking. I had not called. Just checked her message, "Checking in. I could come ve and help you pack". See, packing is all I plan to do. I don't need help, fortunately I had plenty right up through yesterday. My last town to dump pick up day. A week before I moved. Good timing. I'm mostly adding things to all sides, so when a totally different moving crew in Phoenix ask "where does this box go?" I can read it from across the room. I've never moved without a partner before. Don't get me wrong, Ben and Maria totally packed a lot of stuff to enable Maria to stage my home. She did an amazing job. The offer came on day three.  But I've shared that, already. 

But that's my last farewell, save a chance Bill on Monday. I did say yes & if he remembers (he's flying back from a wedding in Wisconsin, so I doubt it) We had an idea to include him in the 2022 picture. If we that, then we will have a last sign-off. If Bill & I start alone & end alone (on the QT) who cares? Since I cannot locate the sign-off from that night, Bill & I would be worth doing. But he doesn't even know I'm thinking about it. I'll see if I hear again. But if no one needs to see me but my 80-year-old lady neighbor who is my friend from across the street. I want to give her my phone number. That kind of stuff. No texts or phone for over an hour now.

I hope my life is more exciting once I move. Cuz, then I'll set boundaries. How's that working for me so far?




Wednesday, May 18, 2022

My Bro & Sis

It went as expected. I received a direct message on Facebook that I ignored. Now, this second, she just texted. "Guess where I am?" I checked the driveway. Not there. I will ignore again. This is bad. I feel stalked. That's not what she thinks she's doing...?

I got the lawn cut today! Yes! I had gambled I could leave it - wrong. It was a small (very small) forest. Anyway, my lawn guy is great. He came today, and it looks like a golf course! Which is how I want this family, a week from Thursday, to find their home. 

Tonight I am having dinner with my brother & sister. It could be our last time. I just dion't know. We'll have a great time!

Monday, May 16, 2022

Pay Attention to the Press Clippings

I don't think anybody uses the phrase, "press clippings" anymore, which is rather ironic. I mean that in the sense that we all do so much more than that. It's hard to write about personal stuff, but that's what's going to make this that much more fun. I won't post about nothing. This ain't a diary. But goodbyes are tough. A woman wants another goodbye. I don't want to be rude to her, but we have said goodbye, already. Enough. Yesterday was her birthday. 58th? I think. 

She phoned last night at dinner time. The last such call led to a lovely dinner, but yet another reason "to hang". Honestly, I never heard from her like this when we originally dated. So I did not pick up because unfortunately if I pick I will say yes, to be nice. Again. It ends now. I'll go out of a window, but like most ladies who actually know me, will testify, I often go out the windows. I am very bad at endings. Sometimes on multiple occasions. This will not improve. But it is in my press clippings. I explain it. And the times I try, I fail miserably. Now, how did my third marriage last? A lot of it has to do with what was wrong with me. Then. I am better now. Hence, hello Arizona! Hello, Cubbies' spring training.

Don't NOT Believe the Press Clippings. What I don't understand is, in this case, I've explained it. I find attention as pressure. Am I the only one? I explained this to her the night we met for dinner the first  time.  So Saturday she says, "No pressure, will you come over to my house" (another mistake - I don't want to see your house. Or meet the pets.) "And stay the night". Need I go on? So a goodbye has dragged on two weeks. Not one more word. 

I should have my 80-year-old neighbor talk to her. She gets me. I wish I had met her husband. He passed away since I moved here, but not before I knew his wife. I had met her while he was alive, but not him. I do not want a relationship. It's not because that I am moving. I just want new friends. New places. Men & women process very differently. Even when faced with brute honesty, women can (and have) decided I meant something else. May if I do (whatever) in bed, it'll change. It is not easy being a single old guy. But I will enjoy the initial attention from women in Phoenix. 

The realty is I am not the guy who had twins as girlfriends, but I am not the relationship type. I am WAY too selfish. I recognize that. I am so stressed out about the move. And for no reason. Today I gave an end date to the electric company. I paid off my oil (budgeted for the rest of the year at once (nearly $2K) last month. I am all packed but need more stuffed tossed to the curb. Rugs I won't need. My bedroom & studio in my new home are carpeted. So I have 5 area rugs for 2 areas. I got help on Wednesday for a final go through. I am so bored as well.

Did I mention I hate moving? But at least my mailed can be forwarded directly. That you can do online now for a buck. Now THAT was easy. I am, so, sick of fast food. I know the variety of choices will be plentiful where I'll be. I shoulda learned to cook. Other than breakfast, I sucked. And I've tried.   

 Here (above) we are on Friday.

Here we are in 2013. I think we both look healthier now!

Then there was Bouncing Billy not showing up to the last show. I have no idea as to why. He's explained it and I still do not get it. But he took me out for a nice dinner as a "make good". How does that help? He was on my first show. He should have been on my last. It was so unimportant to him. I'll never understand it. But I'm good with him and it. I think he is angry that I am leaving. 

I think I'll always consider the 50th in 2017 as our swan song. It was Johnnie's last. We made it another 5. But between the pandemic and the fact that it falls apart when I am single. Wives don't like it. I don't get the difference, but it is there nevertheless. Wow, this is a long post about nothing. I'm rusty. I'll try harder. Join me again. Same blog, etc.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Like Sand in an Hour Glass

1. Where do you get your news these days? From the comics' page like everyone else.

2. Do you like crab meat? What makes you crabby? Yes. Questions about crab.

3. Does freedom mean more choices? Have you ever felt there were too many choices? Elaborate. No, but I've often thought there were too few. But, of course I was wrong. There are always choices. You have to look for them.

4. Barbara Millicent Roberts was introduced to the world on March 9, 1959...that's Barbie to most of us. Did you have Barbies as a kid, or did you let your own children play with Barbies? What well known Barbara (living or not) would you most like to meet? No, I did not play with Barbie. Yes, my daughters did.I cannot think of a Barb I'd like to meet. I hope Gal meets Streisand. Final answer.

5. What are three things you value most in another person? Honesty, character and great tits.

6. How would you define “old.”  At what age is a person old? If I ever get old enough to answer this, I will.

7. A place you’ve been that’s “old.”  Tell us something about your visit there. The Tower of London.

8. Something you miss about the “good old days.”  When were they? Just youth.

9. In what way are you a 'chip off the old block'? Or if you'd rather, in what way is your child a 'chip off the old block'? When I finish this book, I will publish it.

10. Old fashioned, Old Testament, old timer, same old same old, old glory, good old boy, old wives tale...choose an 'old' phrase that relates to something in your life or the wider world currently and explain. Old life. As in Connecticut. I move in 10 days.

11. July 5th is National Hawaii Day...have you ever been to Hawaii? Any desire to visit or make a return trip? Pineapple, mango, or guava...what's your pleasure? No.

12. Last time you were 'thrown in at the deep end'? Explain. My job as  a liquor sales guy did not have much training. I survived.

13. Sun, sea, sand, salt...your favorite when it comes to summer? Sun.

14. Bury your head in the sand, the sands of time, draw a line in the sand, pound sand, shifting sands...pick one and tell us how the phrase currently relates to your life in some way. Like sands in an hour glass, so are the Days of Our Lives...

15. On a scale of 1-10 (1 = make your own rules and 10=like a warden), how strict were your parents? If you're a parent where on the scale do you land? No number. They were usually fair. My mom's temper sucked. But I think threy did their best. They were great parents.


Thursday, May 12, 2022

So Besides Packing

So besides packing, I've been saying goodbye to folks. Last night was a woman I literally have not seen in 40 years. We've stayed in touch on Facebook. She used to work for me. And a bit more. At 18, she was the strongest woman I ever met. It turned out she had to be. Her 36-year-old daughter is autistic and institutionalized. She had a double mastectomy, surviving breast cancer. 

I had thought the focus would be on my three stupid marriages & my soon-to-be 10 grandkids. But her story was fascinating. And she still laughed 

I also connected with my first girlfriend after my first marriage...

My lady Ann was just as nice as I remembered. I was almost 40 when I met her. I had 4 kids. She wanted marriage & kids. I moved on. To another woman who wanted kids. Funny thing? Neither of these women ever had kids or ever got married. Not once. I don't mean the lady above. She is very happily married and besides the child I mentioned, she has a 33-year-old-son. 

Back to packing. My daughter Heather came up to pack my studio (20 cartons of vinyl) and to visit, just us, no kids or hubby, just us. I took her to the best seafood place in West Hartford - Max's Oyster Bar. No pic with my daughter. We did not think of it!

Yesterday, I met with the home appraiser for the bank financing the house we're selling. She could not shut up. Thirty minutes telling me the fucking history of her in her job. This woman climbed six steps gasping for breath. She told me on the way out that the bank wouldn't have a problem. This was really privileged info, particularly since she knew I was not really the homeowner.

Today I removed nails from all those pictures in the studio. Should I paint the new one green too? I think I might.

If you've meandered this far, thank you. Till next time. 

From the last tape show...


I'm with Midnight & Rock

Friday, May 6, 2022

Drink a Toast to WTIT Today

Saturday 9: Your Mother Should Know (1967)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This week's featured artists, The Beatles, invite us to get up and dance to a song that was a hit before your mother was born. Do you enjoy the oldies? How old must a song be before you consider it "old?" To me? As soon as it’s considered an oldie, or whatever passes for that now. Certainly, a year after it’s off the charts.

2) Paul McCartney knew bandmate John Lennon's mom, Julia, and credits her with introducing him to the ukulele. Do you recall any of your childhood friends' mothers with fondness? My friend, Galloping Gary’s mom Nancy, and I were close. She even mailed me a graduation card for high school. She wrote, "Now Bud is wiser!" She did not live till I graduated from college, she died of brain cancer.

3) Paul's own mother, Mary, tried to instill in her son a sense of pride in his appearance and saw to it he always left the house in a clean, ironed shirt. Paul says that, to this day, when he smells fresh laundry, he thinks of his mum. Is there a scent or sound that reminds you of someone you love who is no longer with us? My mom is with me in so many ways. But musically, with “Que Sera, Sera” Her favorite song, which was very ironic.

4) George Harrison was the only member of the band to have any formal musical training. His mother, Louise, supported her son's musical ambitions and made sure he got guitar lessons. Did you take music classes as a child? Yes, I was “taught” the piano by a sadistic son of a bitch who when instructed to teach me popular music taught me “Carolina in the FUCKING Morning” as in “Nothing Could Be Finer”. I hated it.

5) Ringo Starr was a sickly and often hospitalized little boy. His mother, Elsie, took a job as a barmaid so she could work at night, leaving her days free during visiting hours. When were you most recently in a hospital? Were you an admitted patient, there for an outpatient procedure, or visiting someone? I was the patient. I had yet another surgery on my neck in 2018. My ex-wife would later say “she stayed longer because of” the surgery. She should not have done me that fucking favor. Hmmmph. I feel better already.

6) Mother Winters always gave our own Crazy Sam peppermint tea to calm her stomach. Do you have any tried-and-true home remedies to share? Certainly not for stomachs. I just came back from a specialist.

7) Sam's mother always tips 15% in restaurants. Sam has worked in food service and is more judgmental, tipping between 10% and 25%, depending on the quality of the service. What's your tipping policy? Usually at least 25%.

8) Sam's mother still gets the Sunday paper because of the sales fliers. She makes separate lists for each store, picking up grocery and household items where she knows they are on sale. Sam thinks her mother's strategy is a waste of time and gas and prefers one-stop shopping (even better, online one-stop shopping). Are you more like mother or daughter? Daughter. I am totally on line.

9) Sam is celebrating Mother's Day with her mother's favorite, Hershey Bars. Would you prefer classic milk chocolate, dark chocolate or chocolate with almonds? Dark chocolate, although they have changed the names. Semi sweet is what “dark chocolate” is. Godiva was the first company to change. For a long time, and during their chocolate-tini craze, “milk chocolate was chocolate”. Now, semi-sweet is chocolate and the old “chocolate” became “milk chocolate”. I still like white chocolate the best.

My move is in two weeks. It’s all too surreal. I know, I've said that before. Hope your Mother’s Day is special to all moms! And if you’re a “fave aunt” I hope that you’re remembered. Tonight, I say goodbye to both my friends at WTIT, but WTIT itself. And while I’ve rationalized that this died with Johnnie’s passing, I know tonight I’ll really enjoy partying with my besties. I expect Billy, Greg, Rock & maybe Midnight. I invited Cos & Gary just CUZ. I haven't from Gary. Anyway, that’s why I ended the other blog. Because it will all be over tonight. You, enjoy your day!



Wednesday, May 4, 2022

The Longest Grey

I swear, there have been two days of sunshine since March. My mood is effected, infected, affected and misdirected. So-to-speak. OK. Now I know I am a mere 22 days from sunshine, but could I have a couple before then? Do I have to call @myshrink and get new meds? Geez. I'm sorry. But that's why I have this blog. I vent. Who reads my blog anymore? :)

Monday, May 2, 2022

As the World Turnstiles

 Saying goodbye to people isn't all that I'm doing. Checking out my favorite restaurants, thinking "Last time here". Today I saw a doctor and the date of the move is such that there wasn't a lot he could do. It feels a bit surreal. My kitchen was completely packed. (Hence the restaurants).

My daughter Heather is coming up for two days. She's going to help pack my studio. May 25th I spend a night in Boston and fly to Phoenix the next day. I'm not sure whether I'll spend the first week at my house or my son's. It doesn't matter. Neither house will have furniture. An air mattress is what we'll have. And legal pot.

Last night, my friend took me out to dinner. I've seen a lot of her. It's all a bit weird. Saturday is WTIT's final show. I'm happy it's ending. We were never right after Johnnie Walker died. Those are my thoughts on a Monday.