Saturday, June 24, 2023

The Fucker's Back Twice

Stealing with Bev:
1. Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car? At this point, the car sounds like the best option...

2. Who is your favorite author? I don't read books. My HDHD I think was the reason. I love reading on the Inet.

3.  Would you rather vacation in Hawaii or Alaska, and why? Hawaii. It's warm. I hate the cold.

4. If you could go back in time, what year would you travel ? I think we'd all like to be younger & know what we do now...

5.  What's your favorite zoo animal? Lion. Not even close...

6.  What's the tallest building you've been to the top of? The Pru. Boston 

7. How often do you buy clothes?   As little as possible.

8. What was the last thing you recorded on TV? The New York Yankees. They really suck without Judge, but they are MY team...

9.  What was the last book you read? See question 2.

10. What's your favorite type of foreign food? Asian or Mexican. Depends on the fucking day.

11. What kitchen appliance do you use every day? The refrigerator.

12. How old were you when you learned Santa wasn't real? How did you find out? I was in first grade. It was May. I found my bike box in the basement....

13.  What was your favorite subject in school? History/politics

14. What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? Ostrich. Outstanding!

15. What's your favorite family recipe? My mom's anchovies and broccoli. 

I could return. We will see reaction! Bye!


  1. I want to recommend a movie, It Ain't Over. It's about Yogi Berra, and even my wife, who isn't a big baseball fan, LOVED it!

  2. Nice to see you back, Bud. I hope you're enjoying Arizona. Sounds like you like the weather there, anyway.

    1. I love it here. Haven't accomplished it all, but a lot....

  3. I am glad to see you back here at your blog, Bud! I hope all is well there in Arizona! Loved your answers! Have a nice day! ♥

  4. Looking good, Bud. Hope you're happy. PS I'm also happy to see DJ will be at third today. It's an early game on Peacock.

  5. Nice to see you. I can't imagine broccoli and anchovies! Not interested in ostrich either.

    1. Ostrich tasted like THE best steak - it's red meat! &Thanks!

  6. Welcome back! Glad you're loving life in the sun!

    1. The sun never gets old, even when it's too hot. Blue skies 99% of the time
