Sunday, June 19, 2022

Even Hedonists Have Their Limits

Sunday Stealing: From Danielle

1. If you could live in a house shaped like anything what would it be? I'll sy a Hobbit house. Not that I'd like to live on the side of a fucking hill, but the answer allows me to move on.

2. What do you think is in outer space? Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock & Dr. McCoy.

3. Where is the most wonderful place you’ve ever been? St. Martin.

4. If you were invisible for a day, what would you do? Find Jill Hennessy.

5. What is the worst smell in the world? Nope. I won't go there. Even hedonists have limits.

6. If you could, what animal would you be? I got asked this in an interview. I responded, "An eagle so I could fly away from this interview. I got the job. It sucked.

7. What is the greatest thing ever invented? 331/3 record album.

8. What is your favorite word? Why? Fuck. Fuck if I know why.

9. Who is someone in history that you’d like to be friends with? Why? JFK for the babes.

10. If your pet could talk, what would it say? My pet is a picture of a dog. Woof?

11. Were there dinosaurs on Noah’s ark? How does Santa get down that chimney? Your turn.

12. What makes you cry? Bad memes.

13. Have you ever played a joke on someone? What was it? No never. I am not a funny personality.

14. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do? Moving four thousand miles. But it will be the best, too.

15. What is the most important appliance in your house? Refrigerator. Need ice for Smirnoff...


  1. If I'd been honest, or thinking more clearly and less high falutin', "Fuck" would have been my favorite word, too. I say it all the time.
